Friday, January 17, 2020

No such thing as "renewable energy"


For those who claim to be conservative, how can you use their language?  It has always puzzled me that so-called conservatives don't know better than to use the symbols and the premises of their adversaries.

So there's this link about the "salt tower".  In the comment section, somebody uses the term "renewable energy".  I presume that this individual claims to be a conservative.  So why use that term?  It is incorrect, as I mentioned below in the original post.

By the way, what happens to energy?  It never goes away.  It just keeps on going on and on forever.  Don't believe that?  Look at the stars.  The light has been traveling this way for billions of years.  In some cases, the light has been traveling so long that it was close to the beginning of the universe.  Light is just another form of energy.  All energy is expressed in waves, such as light.  Visible light is just another form of energy.  So is infrared energy, which we sense as heat.

Therefore, no energy is renewable.  The energy can be utilized to create another form of energy, such as what happens in the process of photosynthesis.

The real problem here is a lack of education.  Many people use that term because they don't know any better.  A scientist should never use that language, except for laymen.  Amongst other scientists, they would be laughed at if they were to use language like that to other scientists.  The lack of education is what drives all of this "debate".  In other words, it has nothing to do with science and everything to do with politics.

The best track here for conservatives is to mention that there is no such thing as renewables, and what the left is proposing won't work because there is no such thing.

original post:

This may seem rather pedantic of me, but you cannot create or destroy energy.  Therefore, how can it be "renewable"?

So the point is that the left has introduced another term and it allows them to control the narratives.  

Those familiar with past political campaigns may remember Steve Forbes.  Well, he is connected to Forbes publishing folks, and they had an article that mentions that China emits more carbon dioxide than the USA and the EU.

But I won't link to the Forbes article.  It is littered with leftist climate goof speak.  The point is that Forbes was supposed to be an ultra-conservative.  Nope.  No way this guy is conservative.  No way the publication is conservative.  If you let yourself be co-opted by the left, you are by definition anti-conservative.

Back to the title.  It is a scientific fact that you cannot create nor destroy energy.  At least it used to be considered so.  Maybe the left has trashed science so much that people don't know this anymore.  The left continues to dumb down our society.

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