Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feasibility of a move in May 2015

Been crunching the numbers on that possibility.

I was starting to feel a little cocky yesterday, but that was just temporary.  The money is where the problem is.  The farm/ranch is going to have to not only save money, it will have to generate money.  I knew that  anyway, but the number crunching just confirmed that.  It's not rocket science. Money going out eventually gets you to zero balances.  After that, you are living on credit.  No way I want such a scenario.

What made me cocky, is that I feel I can grow enough surplus to sell.  I figured that would raise enough money to cover some of the expenses.  Even running those numbers start to get intimidating.  Let's say the average produce price is 1 buck per pound.  In order to generate $1000 bucks profit, you have to grow at least a thousand pounds of food.  That may be hard.  Ten thousand for ten thousand.  You'd have to be phenomenal to do that well.

It may be possible to sell deer meat, but I don't know.  If you can, you could bag a few deer and sell the meat.  Probably more than a few.  It would also take a lot of chickens to make much money.

Some food for thought, if you'd pardon the pun.

I'm trying to think of the farm/ranch as an asset that can pay for itself.

This one will go into the general subseries.

Before I close this post, here are some useful links that can go for the ride:

About the wind out there
Getting the mail setup out there

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