Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Institutional inertia

First, let's start with this video. It should be devastating. But these are not normal times, so it may not have the impact that it should. Watch this video, then read on...

All of what this man says, which is basically that Kamala Harris has no merit, will probably not register with a lot of people. Their likely reaction would be something like racism or misogyny. These are substitutes for merit. If she wins, then merit is dead in this society. That is the fatal flaw of commmunism. It destroys merit. If everyone is equal, then what it the point of striving?

Here's another thought that makes up the title. The above attitude has permeated our culture so deeply that people cannot recognize the obvious anymore. For example, there was a documentary about the recent assassination attempt on Trump. Someone noted the heavy preponderance of female agents, and that they were too small to protect Trump. So the question was put before a former agent and female about it, and she says she won't play a "numbers game". The obvious thing here is that the mission of protecting someone comes in second to furthering social goals ( of female equality).

The mission is no longer the mission. Merit is thrown out the window. So that's the new measuring stick for societal competence? How many women are on protective detail? But what if they can't do the job? If a smallish woman cannot cover the protectee because she is TOO SMALL, then what happened to the mission? It has become impossible for these people to recognize the obvious. That attitude has thoroughly permeated the mindset of apparently seemingly competent people like this female agent. She protects her own institution above the former priority of protecting the president of the United States even at the expense of their own lives. This country has lost the plot.

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