Wednesday, September 4, 2024

AI is dangerous

Bongino talks quite a bit about how the commies are afraid of AI.

AI can be used for the opposite of what Bongino seems to think about AI. He thinks AI will show the commies for what they are. To the contrary. I think AI will show exactly the opposite. It will become impossible to get the truth about anything.

AI is dangerous because it is too convenient for people to over-rely upon something to do work they should do themselves. You should do your own thinking. But AI threatens to have computers do your thinking for you.

There's not much excuse these days to be deceived by the commies. Yet, some people still watch the legacy media. Just think of how well we will be deceived if all we know is what the communist controlled AI will allow us to see. That is what will happen if the AI controls what the media will show.

Bongino is way too optimistic about AI. People already check their brains in at the door. It's just going to get worse when AI gets entrenched. People will forget how to think, and human kind might just go completely idiotic.

I like Bongino, but I think he's off the rails here. AI could be put to good use or evil. The path we are on, it is most likely that it will be the latter.

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