Saturday, August 24, 2024

Let them eat joy

Seen on Twitchy, and here's the link to the actual piece.

The let-them-eat-cake allusion doesn't really imply that a revolution is in the offing. Maybe telling the truth about them feels like a revolution, eh? That's a Harry Truman allusion, if you will.

So, who exactly supports the Dems now? They seem to be losing everybody. Well, "college-educated" people are supporting them more than ever. Most of these are young women. Yep, they've got young women, who demand abortion uber alles. Should Trump go after them? He is, sort of. Maybe he's going about it the wrong way.

If the current course isn't altered, there'll be a revolution of the English kind. In case you haven't noticed. We've got to smarten up.

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