Sunday, May 19, 2024

How does anyone explain liberal Jews?

How does anyone explain liberal Jews?: Many books have been written about why an intelligent and accomplished people have ignored reality and remained loyal to the Democrat party.

I have consistently acknowledged there are many plausible reasons. 

However, the one I consistentl...


As someone mentioned in the comment section, there was a sly dig at Trump. Why do that??? Maybe it is obligatory amongst the left. Even when they are wrong, they cannot help themselves. Anyway...

Once again, Biden has made terrorists and their sympathizers a protected group. He has done this because they have threatened to boycott him in the coming election. This boycott threat, from the Hamas sympathizers, is a credible threat to Biden. While Biden is doing this, he is throwing Israel under the bus. He is counting on Jews to keep voting for him despite doing this unfriendly act. Now he withholding weapons from Israel even though he is legally obligated to provide them.

How do you explain liberal Jews? You cannot! If somebody won't come to your aid when you are being attacked, that is not a sign of friendship. What can possibly blind someone to THAT???

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