Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dems are in trouble and they know it

I'm going to fire off something quick, and maybe ill-considered. But I'm going to run with the thought anyway, because it is hot, and I might forget about it.

The thought is that the left has gone full tribal mode. Nothing matters to them except the tribe. Whatever they say they believe doesn't matter, if saying it hurts the tribe, they'll say otherwise. Even if they don't believe it, but saying it helps the tribe, then they'll say it. The truth doesn't matter. You cannot take them at face value. It's the tribe that matters. This colors their every utterance. It provides the motivation for every act.

Arguing against THAT is a complete waste of time. You'll never change their minds, because that's not the argument. The argument is their tribe. If you are against the tribe, you are the enemy who must be destroyed. What they're doing to Trump is what they did to the Bushes. They'd have done it to Reagan if they could've. They did get Nixon, though.

When it comes to Biden, if dropping him like a hot potato helps them, they will. If they believe hanging on to him helps them, they will. Therefore, none of the truth about Biden matters, it is how he helps or hurts the tribe. If Biden is bad for them personally, it might not matter. That's because the tribe matters more. Therefore, they find it hard to understand why some people may be leaving their tribe.

I think they are in trouble with some of their former members and know it. That's why they are so much in favor of illegal immigration. They see that as helping their tribe. If it hurt their tribe more than it helped, they'd change their tune on it. It isn't about what this is doing to the country, because the tribe is more important than the rest of the country. The tribe comes first.

It's all about the tribe. You can tell if something is hurting their tribe by watching them closely and reading between the lines. If you look at the news about what's on The View, you can see that they are worried about the black vote. They are losing these members of the tribe, and they are reaching out to leaders in that part of the tribe, looking for help with those who are dropping out. They need Charlemagne, so they look for his help. Reading between the lines, Charlamange doesn't give them everything they want. If he did, Charlamagne may lose some of HIS people. So he straddles the fence a little. That means trouble in the tribe. Same with Bill Maher. But Maher acts pretty much the same. Maher cannot go full tribal, or he loses everybody but the crazies.

They have to support the phony trials. The crazies demand it, or they'd lose the crazies. All they have left are the crazies and a lot of reluctant co-religionaries. There's trouble in paradise. You can sense it if you look carefully enough. Without a solid basis of sanity, the crazies are running the show. The crazies care nothing for the rest, just their fellow crazies. The leftover sanity squad is scared shitless of the crazies. They should leave, but can't. If anybody leaves, the whole mess implodes.

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