Tuesday, April 16, 2024

My Country 'Tis of Thee

Daily update

Scarborough has a melt down.

You can fact check that rant out the wazoo. Shooting fish in a barrel. That'd be my assessment even before starting. His is not a serious argument.

I'm pretty sure his claims are way, way off. At the moment, I'm using my Android looking at his nonsense and wondering who would fall for this nonsense. He was allowed to filibuster for awhile as nobody challenged anything he said.

End daily update

In the old days, in the early sixties when the Cold War raged, the school children would be taught this song. I know, because I was a child back then. In addition, the school children recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, and the Lord's Prayer.

These days are different.

Not intending to inspire hatred here. Just stating the facts.

Here's another fact. In those days, the country really was united. Today, the country is divided. Perhaps there is an explanation for this state of affairs?

I've read on the nets that children are being taught to be "triggered" over this or that. It seems that the flag was one of those things that seem to trigger some. Again, this is not to inspire hatred. It is just a statement of fact.

The current President of the United States has deigned to make those who are shouting "Death to America!" on our own shores, a protected class. Once again, this is not to inspire hatred. It is just a statement of fact.

And we are divided. Perhaps there is a reason why this is so. Just asking the question.

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