Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Musk's big plan

1/24/24: Daily Update

The Angry Astronaut says that the FAA is moving fast. For them perhaps, but not fast enough. Comparing it to Europe is kind of a joke. The USA should not be emulating Europe, for heavens sake. What the hell is so great about Europe?

BTW, I know I'm bitching a lot, but its what I do best!

end update, original post follows below:

First of all, as a comment to the video, I'd say I have my doubts. I've always had my doubts. But one thing does not appear doubtful now. That one thing is that he'll have a helluva space ship soon. It almost reached orbit, and would have reached orbit the last time, except for one minor detail.

A big goal is to make it fully reusable. If that's achieved, then the cost of each launch will be dramatically less. Even with that, he has some major hurdles ahead. One could legitimately ask if ALL of these hurdles can be overcome.

One thing that Musk does is to think big. But maybe the kind of big isn't the right kind of big. Thinking big may be part of his genius, but it can also be one's downfall. Anyway, he's got big plans. But I have doubts.

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