Friday, January 19, 2024

Massive deception campaign

There are those out there, maybe many, who would consider the following a bit of tin-foil conspiracist theorizing.

Here goes anyway. I’m a bit suspicious of most of what passes as news these days, including sources on the so-called right. It is really a challenge to drill down to the real truth of things with all of bravo sierra out there. Lately, the antenna has gone up again.

There may be an effort on the way to disorient and dispirit the opposition to the Deep State. Indeed, the ones that are obvious are easier to defend against. But what happens when the sources may be seen as “friendly”? What if we are being misled?

I get that feeling sometimes when I read something that is purportedly of a friendly nature that goes against the grain. An example? Not one handy at the moment, but there was something on Ace of Spades that makes me suspicious. I note the feeling is there to make you pissed, but there is often no action plan offered to counter the complaint.

The result is a kind of disgust and despair about the situation, which would work against the interests of those who sincerely want to improve upon the situation. It is not good enough to merely complain about things. Something needs to be done. But it must not get swept up in a way that would discredit a loyal opposition. That would be the case with the J6th and Whitmer alleged plots to entrap legitimate protest.

When things DO get done, they go badly. Like the J6th situation. If more people were made aware of what happened in Michigan with the Whitmer plot, the folks who got roped in may have been forewarned, and the propaganda bonanza for the left may have been thwarted. Same thing with J6th.

We’ve got to get smarter and better, no doubt about it. Too easy to get sucked into a plot that works against what we all should be fighting for. It's all too easy. People need to smarten the hell up.

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