Monday, January 15, 2024

Bad premise

Stronger economy or democracy?

It looks like a poll was comissioned, or whatever the terminology is. Apparently someone thought it a good idea to ask the question in the title here, as if that was decided to be the choice.

This is the kind of thing that makes you wonder if we're going to make it. That's because this is just another one of those fallacies that makes it out into the public. Perhaps it gains traction with the public, because those who run such polls and whatnot, think we are all too dumb to see through it. Maybe we really are too dumb to see through it. It is a false choice.

It may be based upon the lies being told about Trump, as if he wanted to be dictator. If these people actually believe this kind of garbage, especially after all the other garbage they've been peddling, then we're done.

There's no need for a false sacrifice. Of course, those who run the poll are probably looking for a way to avoid accountability for their malfeasance. Without democracy, a ruling class cannot be held accountable for a bad economy and bad foreign policy. So if there wasn't to be any more democracy, there's not likely to be anything else that's any good either.

It's a false premise and a stupid poll.

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