Saturday, January 6, 2024

Julie Kelly in the War room

 Steve Bannon interviews Julie Kelly.   

Hoo, boy! The Republic is in dire straits. I've read about the missing videos of testimony during the Star Chamber, aka House Select Committee that tried to ramrod an insurrection narrative down our throats. Kelly says that Jack Smith lifted all his J6th work off of that "report" which has all the missing testimony. If that isn't corrupt, what the hell is???

One can get distressed reading and watching all this bad news. The worst part of it is the entire lack of action coming from the GOP controlled House, which could have uncovered a lot of this, but refuses to do anything about it really.

All of this is going to have to depend upon the citizenry to sort out the fraud, and the public isn't really interested. If the economy looks good enough, they'll rubber stamp all of this fraud, and nothing will get accomplished. It may be a tough road even if the public got involved more aggressively. People just don't give a damn. It's a damned shame.

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