Wednesday, December 6, 2023

This is what Biden is protecting

There was a vote today in Congress. Nearly all Republicans voted for the condemnation of anti-Semitism. Less than half of Democrats did. There were 13 or so Democrats who voted FOR anti-Semitism.

Therefore, the following tweet should not be any big surprise. Islamic Jihad allows anything to be done to non-believers. The claim the right to do so.

So the GOP should go much further, and push this for all its worth. The Democrats are protesting this as a political effort to gain points. Well, getting points is what it is about. It is the way we have to ensure accountability. The Democrats want to avoid accountability, and complain when they are being held accountable.

Not only that, they are gaslighting the public. Their claim is that if you don't accept their outrages, then something is wrong with YOU. For example, you are called an Islamophobe.

A phobia is an irrational fear. If it is irrational not to want to be raped or murdered, then one would have to wonder what IS rational. Clearly, Islamists think this kind of behavior is not only acceptable, but their right.

There should no quarter given to this kind of thinking. It is no different from Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Indeed, it it quite rational to FEAR that this could become normal in the USA. No way that this should happen here. We should care about what happens in Israel because of what happened on 9-11-2001 in THIS country. Those people think ANYBODY is fair game. That also means all of us, including Americans. Very much so.

This 9-11 video has to be included here. People need to be reminded of this. It happened here.

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