Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sweeping Google Searches to Find Suspects?

This is a clear and present danger to your freedom. Yet, the public is oblivious and indifferent to the threat because it is quiet. You can be put on enemies lists just from your searches and your opinions. Big tech aggressively tracks everything without your permission. This is freely given to the government on demand.

This is why Elon Musk bought Twitter. The government is weaponizing big tech to go after political dissent. This is clearly against the law, but the government does it anyway. Not only does the government do it, they are retaliating against those like Elon Musk who try to push back. Keep in mind, Elon Musk's pushback is very mild.

You can be ruined this way. This kind of thing would have been impossible in previous generations, but it is becoming commonplace today. Combine this with the radicalization of politics, especially in academia and the media, and you've got a totalitarian dystopia brewing at an alarming rate. People need to see the threat, and this video might help. But you've got to pay attention and take this seriously.

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