Sunday, October 29, 2023

Stick their narratives where the sun doesn't shine

10/29/23: Update to 5/25/22 post:

The gun control push is beginning again. Every time there is mass gun violence, the left pushes this again. It seems the political left has something to gain from gun violence. Perhaps there is a connection? If one seeks to profit from a certain type of event, what's to prevent one from causing it in the first place? There is a pattern of the political left of attempting to profit from things that they had a hand in.

An example is this latest Speaker change kerfuffle. The left wants to make it a political issue, but they had a hand in its outcome. If a few Democrats had voted for McCarthy, he would still be Speaker. Then why should the Democrats try to profit from a new Speaker, who is supposedly worse than McCarthy, when they had a hand in it?

The same can be said for gun control. The left has emasculated the police. Violence increases, and they use this in order to get an advantage. They set up gun free zones, and guess where the bad guys go? It looks like the left has set this up so that they could use it for political purposes. It gets to be something of a pattern that looks sinister.

So the new Speaker says something about the latest gun shooting spree, and the left jumps all over it. But note how the left wants to exploit the issue politically. It isn't even worth debating them. One should not dignify them with a response. Instead, with all of the potential terrorists that they are importing from abroad, why would the left want to disarm Americans? What is their true aim in disarming Americans? To make us sitting ducks for even greater attacks from without and within?

Their call for gun control should be met with disdain. It seems that EVERYTHING that they push forward hurts America, so one should ask what is it that they really want? If they wanted our destrucion, they couldn't name a better way of going about it than they way that they are. Gun control is just another way of attacking this country. Don't let them get away with it.

Gun control didn't work in Israel, it won't work here. That is, it only 'works' if you want to encourage bad things to happen. A lone nut is not as bad as what COULD happen if nobody can respond to it because the government took away your 2nd amendment rights. Gun violence works for Democrats. Second Amendent rights will stop violence by superior firepower. Strong law and order will stop crime. For Democrats, crime pays. They shouldn't profit from bad policy that encourages bad behavior.

The Bidens seem to want another dead Kennedy, so they won't have to run against him. Also, they can exploit the gun issue. See how that works?

end update

This blog tends to follow current events, or has followed current events. Perhaps this is the time for a another recalibration of the blog. As I go along with this blog, I noticed certain things that I might not have before I began writing on a regular basis nearly 12 years ago.

There is an event occuring now with regard to the Russian collusion hoax perpetrated against President Trump. Not much is being said about it in the media. This observation brings me to this question: What determines the newsworthiness of an event? It used to be something that brings the audience, but I don't think it is that way any more.

Only a handful of media companies control what the public sees and hears. Therefore, it is THOSE people who decide what you get to see and hear. A small time blog like this cannot hope to gain the audience that will drive the "narratives" that the media moguls put in front of us.

It would seem that such a corrupt turn of events as Spygate was would have garnered a lot of interest. But the media ignores it for the most part. It is just as well. Sussman won't be convicted. Nothing will be done in response to Spygate. Instead, we will be told that there wasn't any evidence of wrongdoing anyway, and the acquittal is proof of that.

This is a roundabout way of saying it is all rigged. When Watergate happened, that is all you heard for two years. Spygate is orders of magnitude more serious than Watergate, but it gets ignored. The power-that-be will tell you what you can talk about.

The thing that burns me is that the GOP lets themselves be bullied into giving in the Democrats time and time again. I don't condone what Nixon did, but why don't standards apply consistently? Are we to believe that the Democrats are perfect angels? Pardon me when I call it out as bullshit. Nixon may have justified himself by saying that "they all did it". He may well have been correct, but that doesn't matter if justice is not evenly applied. It isn't being applied evenly in this case. It would be a huge surprise if anyone gets convicted of anything for INTERFERING IN OUR ELECTORAL processes. But they rig up another "scandal" with January 6th, and if they could, they would ban Trump supporters. This isn't over. They just might succeed. The GOP just plays along, while trying to convince us of this big divide in DC.

The thing that divides us is that one side is willing to fight for their beliefs and the other side won't.

The GOP, and in particular, the Trump faction, will get blamed for trying to create a dictatorship. But we already have one. The Communist regimes all claim to be democracies. If you have absolute power, you can call yourself anything you please. You proclaim yourself a God if you chose to. Who would stop you? Stalin and Mao had their cults of personality. So did Jim Jones. These things could end up with everbody forced to drink the Kool Aid. Those who say "no" will be killed off, or intimidated into silence. Sounds pretty familiar these days. I'm thinking of Seth Rich, and the cancel culture. Masks and lockdowns anyone?

It always surprises me that just ONE man can force everybody to bend to his will. All the guns in the world won't stop a madman unless there are people who are willing and able to do it. The guns won't make you safe. Not by themselves.

Nor will a Bill of Rights protect anybody. If the leadership refuses to abide by the law, then it is nothing but a piece of paper. The Constitution isn't a "living document". It's deader than hell, because these people want to bury it for good. Nobody will do a damned thing about it.

The chattering classes can try to tell us all what to think. That doesn't mean we have to do what they say. But if nobody is willing to step up to the plate and tell them where to they can stick it, then people will become slaves to the powerful.

We have the rights, but do we have the will to enforce those rights upon the powerful? Current events are not encouraging in that regard. Even the so-called "conservative" media is repeating the phony narratives. I'm not following their narratives. They can stick their narratives where the sun doesn't shine. If they won't report on Spygate, why should our side listen to their bullshit?

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