Tuesday, October 31, 2023


The so-called "progressives" who support Hamas have a political death wish. As someone once said, "liberalism is a mental disorder". You have to be mentally disordered if you are a homesexual and support these people. They will kill you because that is what they do. But if you become a Muslim, you can do whatever you want. In that case, the homos should go live in those shitholes. We don't need that here.

The country probably hasn't gone insane yet, but the trends do not look good. I'd say that these "progressives" represent about 25 percent of the Democrats, and about 10% of the whole country. As of now, they are in control of the Bribem Administration because no sane person would support this trainwreck of an administration.

Incidentally, I wrote a comment here because the title from whence this tweet came said something that I've written before. I like confirmation of my stuff, even if it isn't attributed to me. Besides, I might have gotten it from Horowitz, and forgot about it. Anyway, here's the tweet.

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