Monday, October 9, 2023

Young guy walks around Costco and finds prices are much higher than what we are told

Drill baby, drill.  Seems like I heard that before.

Also, Obama and the left were saying that we couldn't drill our way out of it. But we were until Biden showed up. They also said that sub $2.00 gas was a thing of the past, but it wasn't. The left says a lot of things, but a lot of it is WRONG. ( That's being too generous. It's almost always wrong.)

I remember putting the bumper sticker on my truck back in 2008 when gas was $4.00 in Houston. Drilling brought the prices down. Now that that's been successful, the left wants to kill it off. Once they destroy the oil market enough, they'll be saying that we can't drill our way out of this again. Maybe they'll be right (for once) because there won't be anybody left to do the drilling.

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