Friday, June 23, 2023

Temper tantrum

Temper tantrum

While Schiff was censured, the Democrats gathered together in what appeared to be a mostly empty House chamber, and chanted "shame" at the Speaker afterwards. The scene was described as a "temper tantrum".

Democrats chant shame after censure of Schiff

This is worth a bit of discussion... Shouldn't there be rules against such demonstrations in the House? After all, it appears disorderly. It doesn't make a good impression. But that may be the idea... After all, What IS the idea of doing this? In order to stop the process? Didn't the Democrats just spend their entire recent term of two years in trying to call a demonstration an "insurrection"?

The censure was a legitimate use of perogative in accordance with the Constitution, and presumably to House Rules. If there is to be no discipline, then how is order to be maintained?

The demonstration doesn't cross the threshold of violent acting out, but it isn't far from one. In other words, this isn't a tantrum, but it is getting mighty close.

It could be argued that such a demonstration is meant to intimidate... After all, what is the point of the demonstration but to do that very thing?

A protest is permissible, but should not be carried out in the House Chamber. Don't government officials issue permits for demonstrations? There are rights to free speech, but freedom of speech doesn't include the right to intimidate, or act in any menacing way.

The video I saw of this showed no GOP members, or very few. Therefore, it could be theorized that they knew of this, and the Speaker allowed them to leave. The Speaker also allowed the demonstration. I would think it preferable to have any member acting in defiance of rules, to be subjected to further discipline.

If the GOP caves in to this, it will be seen as being effective.

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