Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hunter Biden situation

It is rather hard to believe, but there may be people out there who actually think that the Bidens are honest people. Part of this is the bubble that people can get into. The media won't report all the facts, so there's got to be people who are completely uninformed about the situation. The media will leave the impression that Hunter Biden really is just a sort of victim of partisan GOP attacks.

People may also flip that around on Trump, but what if Trump is really innocent? I think he is, and I think that the DOJ is completely partisan now. That's especially true in deep blue zones, and DC in particular.

I didn't buy into the Russian collusion nonsense from day one. The rest is just the same kind of pattern. If one of their tactics doesn't work, they'll try another.

The two people, Biden and Trump, are not comparable. Of course, there are those who will have you believe that they are.

There is one thing that needs to be understood about the left. They will do anything and say anything to win. The GOP tries to play the game by rules that the Democrats care nothing about. Dems will pretend that they do, but it is all a fake. Only when the system accuses THEM do they get interested in fairness.  Unfortunately, there are those within the GOP who actually are helping the Dems with their fakery.

On the other hand, a GOP type will not make things up on Dems, in contrast to the left, who will swear up and down that their fakery is true right to the end---even if it isn't. If the GOP DID act like the left, there'd be more of an even match up.

I don't believe that that means that the GOP should lie and cheat. Instead, it should be understood that the left acts like this is a war, and the so-called right acts like it is a mere disagreement. The so-called right tries to be civilized, but is that possible in such a scenario as this?

This requires a different kind of approach, but the GOP will not do what is necessary. The outcome is likely to not be a good one for those who would prefer that we all be civilized. The other side isn't interested in that...  This is a type of internal COLD WAR.

More reading:

Nagging evidence of Biden Corruption

Harvard Poll: Public sees Trump indictment as political

Bongino airs leaked audio of Biden telling Ukranians not to worry about FBI

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