Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Video about regimented North Korean life


This video tells a sad story of life in North Korea. Imagine being forced to cry in order to show grief for a fallen leader. If you don't cry, you could be killed for it as if it were a crime. There are watchers, ( like Karens) who will report you if you don't cry.

The question is this: What prevents that nightmare from happening here? It may not be reported widely about, but the Democrats are trying to federalize elections. Obviously they are in panic mode about losing power. They don't have to worry too much, for the GOP doesn't really oppose them. But no communist can ever stand any kind of opposition no matter how timid.

It is rather telling that they would do this. There is no demand for it except from themselves. To rig elections is necessary for a ruling class that no longer serves the people, but requires the people to start worshipping the state and its leaders---just like North Koreans have to do just to stay alive. In principle, what is different about forcing people to cry in mourning to a leader than in forcing you to accept their rule? In the end, we will be forced into doing similar things if the communists here succeed. This is yet another warning to take heed to what is happening in our own country right now.

The video follows:

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