Thursday, January 6, 2022

Ay! Caramba!


Is that what Bart Simpson likes to say? Maybe I should stick with the Homer Simpson "d'oh!".

A couple things this fine morning. Maybe more than a couple that I want to comment upon. Number one: Ted Cruz referred to the rioters of a year ago as "terrorists". Well, I guess that places Cruz on my fecal roster again. I have a different opinion of what happened on that day. The truth is not something that we are going to permitted to hear or see. The official fiction is that it was an insurrection. Cruz doesn't seem to be at odds with that, and I think he should be. If we cannot agree that there's something fishy about all the official line, then we are cooked.

Secondly, at Ace of Spades, the guy who does the Morning Report referred to the opposition as being on the "right". As I written many times before, I think this is a very big mistake, unless it is being done deliberately. Deliberately? As in some purpose to divide us yet again? Maybe. People who use that term are also going to have to go on the fecal roster. The fecal roster is getting very long, my friends. Maybe I'm one of the very few who think that the use of this term as a descriptor for oneself is a terribly bad idea. If I reject that term, then I can say that I am in no way sympathetic to fascism, while at the same time, I am vehemently opposed to communism. The left v. right dialectic is one that doesn't favor you if you follow that dialectic, which I most certainly do not. The commies can just call you a fascist or a Nazi, and what can you say to that? It's like taking a gun to your head.

Those two items were the biggies. There may be other things, but memory fails for now. It seems like we are on the edge of catastrophe because too many people either don't get it, or refuse to get it.

It could be like the end of the Roman Empire in the West in ancient times. A recovery from the crisis might have been possible, but for that to happen, whatever good that remained needed to be savvy enough, and numerous enough to overcome the bad. That wasn't the case during that era of Roman history. It might be true of us in this time in this place. I'm thinking of the Emperor Majorian, who got outfoxxed by Ricimer. Majorian could have restored the Empire, but Ricimer was determined to prevent that from happening. So Ricimer had Majorian killed. Since Ricimer was number two, that left the Empire in the lurch. Is this type of history about to be repeated here in this time?

Do we have anybody who can stand up to the bad guys? Or enough of those who are still worth a damn to do it? Maybe not.

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