Saturday, January 1, 2022

Quite the endorsement for mallow plant


It may be something of a scam, but how does that make it any different than anything else these days?

One of the things I am finding is that the plants that grow wild are actually more nutritious than the plants we get from the supermarket. You know, if you think about this for a minute, then you'll figure that the MEDICAL PROFESSION may not be much better than what the primitives did.

Whoa! Quite the leap is that. But think about it. If the corona-scam was launched with the acquiescence of the medical profession, then what good is it really? You might be better off not using their services at all. Not that I would want to go that far, but if they are going to treat people the wrong way, then why show them any confidence? It might get their attention. Maybe.

I'm sure we'd all be better off if the modern medical profession actually did their jobs, but you see, the overall problem is a lack of integrity. If you take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, then how do you justify what they've been doing this past two years? Maybe herbal medicines are an option. Maybe not. It is not a happy situation no matter how you slice it.

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