Monday, January 17, 2022

At least try

Somewhat disquieting day today. But it doesn't get me down. Don't get me wrong on that. My own situation is AOK. At least for now. But the bigger picture? It could be better. A lot better.

So there was this conversation today. It was about Ivermectin and hospitals refusing to give it to patients who would otherwise die. Or in cases in which death is certain, and THERE'S NOTHING TO LOSE in trying, hospitals still refuse to give the treatments. The conversation drifted in the possibilities of lawsuits in case of a death that occurs anyway. Then it was said that there was no way to win. Arggggggggggggh.

Maybe it is just me, but I can never accept such an attitude. We sit on the brink of catastrophe, and I hear things like that and it is like fingernails on the blackboard time. I think my response was that I was going to win no matter what. Even if I lose, I consider it a win. If you give up, you ALWAYS lose. Even if we lose this battle, but we never give up, we keep our integrity. Giving in to what's wrong is never right. Don't tell me about the costs.

To me, if a doctor or a hospital isn't doing everything in their power to save the lives of patients, they are in the wrong business. Or you are in the wrong doctor's office or hospital. Fear of lawsuits doesn't not belong there. If you are there for nothing more than the money, then you heart is in the wrong place. Or you are in the wrong place. There is no excuse for what's happening in the medical profession these days. No excuses. NONE.

If you cannot make that argument, then you are resigned to defeat. Why not TRY TO WIN? That argument should be shouted from every housetop in America and the world for that matter. We aren't dying from Covid. It is something else that is wrong, and it is killing way too many people. It is not just the people that are dying. It is what makes life worth living.

It is said that some people out there are "woke". But from here it looks like everybody is asleep.

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