Sunday, December 5, 2021

Eurhythmics--Sweet Dreams


An oldie and maybe a goodie. Not everyone would agree with that. It seems a bit gritty. It is a statement about human nature. "Everybody is looking for something". But all those "something's" mentioned in the lyrics aren't such good things to look for--such as the use and abuse of others for personal gain.

Why isn't it a goodie if it is the truth? That is the measuring stick. If it conforms to truth then it cannot be bad. To get someone to believe something that is false is evil. If Satan is the father of all lies, then how can the truth be bad? Lies are for those who worship the evil one.

A statement like that is likely to draw some fire from somebody somewhere. For a post- modernist, there is no truth. All things are subjective and nothing is objectively true or false; one perceptions, feelings, and beliefs transcend all others. But if you're doing things like that, and can get away with it, why care?

And there you have it. Like Mark Twain said, it is mind over matter- if you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Or as the sixties generation said--- if it feels good, do it. But there is always the opposing line-- like where's the standards? Where's the ethics? Where's the morality? It may feel good, but does that make it good? And so it goes... The video follows directly below:

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