Saturday, May 29, 2021

This is like spitting into the wind


Joe Biden caused a fuss again. But you wouldn't know it if you looked at his Rasmussen numbers. He is polling at 55%. That's higher than Trump ever did, based upon my recollection.

True that Trump had a lot of headwinds against him, and with Biden, it is the reverse. This is what the term in the title comes from.

For some reason, even when people know that the media is biased, they still listen to them and believe them.

It is a rather chilling thought that they could have so much influence. Two other things to comment upon: 1) the idea that Trump was somehow wrong to defend himself is at the center of a cultural push to disarm the public, and 2) that this push to disarming America has succeeded in England and in Australia. The people behind all this are cultural Marxists.

Marxism is purportedly about the people, but the historical record shows massive suffering in Marxist governed countries. Why the attraction?

If I am not mistaken, the right to defend yourself came from common law. Common law came from England, and was passed to its colonies. America was once an English colony. If the English have given up their rights, the future doesn't look promising for us.

Yet, people believe their propaganda. Given their rampant dishonesty, the fact that people still believe them is enough to knock me over with a feather. I just don't get it.

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