Monday, May 24, 2021

Off-grid series and search strings


Recently I stated working on the off-grid part of the project relating to growing food. I was amazed at how much research that I already did on this subject. I realized that I had forgotten about this part of my previous work.

With that in mind, I looked back in the blog, and found these links, which are links to other blog posts on the various topics relating to the off-grid project.

Many of the posts are obsolete, so there needs to be some pruning, you might say.

An order was placed for some sawdust and some sand. These can be used to make custom-made soil, which is according to the Mittleider gardening system's directions. I've had that course in a pdf file stored on computers since 2014. It got filed away like everything else.

Separating the wheat from the chaff, you might say.

All right, time to quit fooling around. There's work to do.

Links to the off-grid series

Review of off-the-grid series so far 

It looks like the link above is on the sidebar, and the links below can be accessed through the
above link as well.  Nevertheless, they are posted below:

Table of Contents Food Subseries

Table of Contents: Power and Electricity
Construction subseries Table of Contents

Update:  My packages have arrived.  Now what?!

Update:  Going to use one of those videos I filed away in order to germinate from tomato seeds, from a tomato, a tomato plant itself.

After that is accomplished, maybe grow the plant until it produces tomatoes.

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