Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blame game

Predictable--- Romney blames Trump

Yeah, I wish I made that prediction. I cannot really prove what I was thinking, so I should have posted it. I was thinking that these bozos would blame Trump for what looks like a big double loss in Georgia.

There are reports that Uniparty did the same thing in Georgia in the runoff as they did in the general. It was predictable that this would happen because of their refusal to do anything about it. Since it worked so well for them the last time, why wouldn't they do it again?

But Trump has been loyal to the GOP all along. He cannot be blamed for something that he didn't do. It is typical that the Uniparty blames him for what they did themselves.

I suspect the real reason is that people really voted for Trump the first time around and didn't come back because they know that the fix was in. Turnout was low, I've read.

In a sense, Romney was right to attach blame for those who believe that it was a fix. You have to "wear the black hat" before you even have a chance to stop the corruption. If Romney and the rest of the corruptocrats refuse to acknowledge the fix, and do something about it, then there was little reason to vote for these pretenders.

There were millions who didn't vote for Romney when he ran. This is undoubtedly the big reason why. The guy is either completely tone-deaf or he is corrupt himself. Either way, he is a loser.

If this guy thinks he can fix the GOP, he is dumber than a rock. Until guys like him are sent out the door head first, the GOP is hopeless.

There needs to be a new party. Short of that, an independent caucus that will caucus with the party, but will vote and act independently. The GOP though is deader than a doornail. Maybe they don't know it yet. The sooner that reality is accepted, the sooner something can be done about it.

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