Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Civil disorder is not about cops nor racism

It's about who controls the Democrat Party. Will it be the radicals or will it be the more "centrist" and "moderate" faction that has up to now. The civil disorder is a way to force these people "to their knees", and to give them something in exchange for their fealty. If not outright control, they want to influence. The George Floyd death was not the cause, but the excuse for launching this uprising. It has been in the plan all along.

The hard left wants control over the whole show. The "moderates" and "centrists" know very well that their goose is cooked if they allow this. This uprising works for them because they can pose as a restraining hand to these hard leftists, while at the same time, winking at them and letting them cause disorder and mayhem without really cracking down on it. They cannot crack down on them if they want to win in November- because to do so would cost them the election.

The Democrat Party is at war with itself and the rest of the nation.

The GOP has its own little war going on. As with the Democrats, it will be about who controls the GOP going forward. The Never-Trumpers and the Trumpers are the antagonists, and neither like each other, but they need each other---just like what's going on in the Democrat Party.

Hence you have the RINOS who won't support their own President in lending some political support to a crackdown. The RINOS are coming down on the side of the "moderate" and "centrist" faction amongst the Dems.

You have fractures on both sides of the aisle. The current struggle is about who controls each party going forward. It has nothing to do with George Floyd. It has everything to do with Party politics.

People talk about a Second Civil War. How does the current situation compare? The national parties also had seismic shifts just prior to the historical Civil War. The Kansas-Nebraska Act ended all basis for a Whig Party, so the Whigs went away. In their place, the modern GOP was born.

The Democrats in that era also had their split. There were the Cotton Democrats and the Northern Democrats. Each fielded their own candidate in 1860 and split their vote. Abe Lincoln won with less than a majority of the vote, but all the northern states, while the South threatened secession if he won. He did and the war was on.

It hasn't gotten that far in the modern time, but the party splits are similar. The thing that is different this time is not the states. There are blue states and red states, but within even the blue states, there are large areas that are red. Basically, the blue areas are islands within a sea of red. The blues control the cities and the reds control the countryside.

As for a modern civil war, the blues have no national basis for a shooting war. Not like the nineteenth- century South. You cannot run a country of city-states. The cities must control the countryside. Can they do it? The countryside favors things as they have been, and are by nature, a conservative force.

Therefore, this is a struggle for control over the parties and ultimately control over the country.

It isn't about race nor the police. It is about control.

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