Saturday, April 11, 2020

Wuhan Virus Story, 4.11.20

The story today is that the New York Times Online site is going to start requiring a subscription for the Wuhan virus updates. Body counts are still free, of course.

Well, actually I don't know if there's a paywall. But I won't subscribe to that left-wing hysteria mongering fish wrap.

Not that I begrudge anybody making a living. But this put a lot of people out of a job. It has caused an economic dislocation that may be felt for some time. Yes, and I am suspicious that if Hillary Clinton were in the White House, there wouldn't be a daily body count.

So I cannot analyze the data unless I can get some. I charge nothing so I am not going to pay anything. Maybe my analysis doesn't amount to a hill of beans anyway. I could have learned something for my own benefit. Perhaps a few people might have seen something of use. Not anymore, though.

This is all for the political show so that they can accuse Trump of failing in his job. On the one hand, they accuse him of being a King. On the other, they accuse him of being ineffectual. Since he isn't a King, there is plenty of blame to go around. The Times may want to look in the mirror.

There are other news sources. I'll go back to Free Republic. Free is good.

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