Monday, April 13, 2020

Obligatory, 4.13.20

Enough already. Up to this point, I have followed this Wuhan Virus story. For now on, I am going to attempt to live as I always have. I'm not going to put on masks and gloves. I am not going to self-isolate. Others can go along if they choose.

The infection rate in this county was too low for it to be a threat of any significance. Perhaps in a place like New York City. Maybe in our biggest cities here in this state. But not everywhere all the time.

It looks like it is peaking out. The number of dead isn't any catastrophe. People die. People have always died. I looked at the death rates from this thing. It won't impact the usual death rate in any significant way. To the extent it does, it will be like a blip on the screen.

I think it is over. Time to move on.

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