Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Obligatory, 3.11.20

The Biden campaign wasn't dead after all, but he looks pretty ill.

It looks like the Dems will nominate a near-cadaver for POTUS. To me, it is all the same. They are all bad. Maybe if he is nearly dead, he cannot do as much harm. But he still lies his butt off when he is lucid enough to get a few words out.

The lefties are fully committed to lying. It really doesn't matter if it is Bernie or Biden, they'll both lie in order to win.

I know what the Dems will say. They'll say that Trump lies. It doesn't make any difference what Trump does if they are going to lie every time they open their pie holes.

If they would tell the truth, then we could look at Trump. Otherwise, the best they can do is to make an equivalence. By the way, if they claim to be more competent, then all they can accomplish is to claim to be better liars.

In other news, the market has gone south again. I have to wonder what the market is seeing right now. It appears that the Saudi-Russian move in the oil markets is what may be moving the market recently. If there is any exposure in the oil markets that may make a price plunge problematic, then maybe that is what we are seeing with this sell-off. What I'm getting at is that this may have ripple effects.

In the end, if domestic oil production is not too expensive, then they can weather this storm. If not, there could be a massive restructuring of the oil market. That is what we could be seeing now.

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