Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Schiff: If You Don’t Convict Trump He Might Give Alaska Back to Russia


Isn't it the liberals who are always wanting to do something similar with respect to the entire country?  Didn't we steal it from the indigenous peoples of this continent? 

Isn't it ironic that Schiff would make such an accusation when they talk the way they do about this country?  It is Trump's "nationalism" that is such a problem.  Why would Trump even think of such a thing?   Yet it was Obama who promised to be more "flexible" in his second term.

This entire thing is about a cover-up on the Democrat side.  It is a diversion of their own crime of selling out our country, yet here is Schiff trying to accuse Trump of doing what they do routinely.

By the way, Bongino spent a lot of time discussing how Biden will be a problem for the Democrats going forward.  It isn't going away, says Bongino.  "Biden and company" sold this country for a few bucks for themselves.   That's what they are trying to hide by impeaching the POTUS.  What Schiff is saying will not wear well over the long term.  But he is rolling the dice that it might help now.  Pathetic.

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