Monday, December 23, 2019

Winter Solstice



I got a brainstorm to try my desktop keyboard which uses a usb connector.  It plugged in okay, and it works.  How 'bout dat?


This computer keyboard is now fouled up.  If I wanted to do a post, it will have to be short.

Today is the winter solstice.  Can you tell I've waited all year to announce that?  But that is not why I am posting.  Today, I saw something on Conservapedia that I haven't seen anywhere else.  John Brennan is nuts.

Well, it was more than that.  It looks as if Brennan's role in Spygate needs to be exposed a bit more than what it has been.

Why didn't I know more?  Probably because the places that I go for information haven't made that case forcefully enough.

It is odd how many have been roped into this Spygate.  It is a closely-knit small group.  They might take down the whole ship.  What ship?   The Democrat ship, or the ship of state.

Something is going down.

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