Thursday, December 26, 2019

Election odds

There are some who say this is better than polls.  That isn't saying much.

The trouble with polls is with who you ask.  Consequently, a poll can tell you anything you want it to say.

Bettors have to put their money where their mouth is.  That's something, I suppose.

I'm going to start following the odds a bit.  Maybe it might tell me something that the polls don't.

Rasmussen has Trump at about 50 percent.  The odds are about that too, so what does that tell you?

Incidentally, odds are expressed in percent.  You can calculate the odds from percentages with the following formula.

Let's say the odds are 50%.  Odds = 100 / (Percent Chance x 1.1066)

                                                        = 100/ ( 50 x 1.1066)

                                                        = 100/ 55.3

                                                       = 1.8

A ninety percentage odds will get you to 1, approximately.  Ninety percent odds is just about as close to certainty that you can get.

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