Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Sidney Powell interview on YouTube



Another stunner of a moment came while I was listening to the Bongino show.  I heard this too ( I think ) on the Powell show below.  The thing was that Mueller was involved in the Arthur Anderson case, which is connected to the Enron case.  Many of those convictions were thrown out.

But that isn't what stunned me.  What stuns me is the same thing as with this that I wrote previously.  Why did the Bush Administration sit by idly while the Democrats were trashing his administration???

The point is that this didn't begin with Trump.  It is a GOP problem.  They seem to be like deer in the headlights when it comes to what the Democrats pull off.

Mueller is said to be a Republican.  Well, they can say that, but why does he work with Democrat hacks like he did in the recently concluded Russian collusion hoax?

That is why I say that there are a faction in the GOP who are enabling the bravo sierra that is killing the party.

The GOP doesn't have to be a willing participant in their own destruction.  Especially when they didn't do anything wrong, for heaven's sake.  Bush could have done something besides sitting there helpless.


This was rather interesting, and I listened to most of it.  The thing that stopped me was this disconnect between what she was saying, and the facts on the ground.

For instance, she is finding great fault with the US Attorney for the District of Columbia.  That person, by the name of Jessie Liu, was appointed by the current POTUS.  That is the fact on the ground.

Something is disconnected here.  So, I stopped at that point.  Let me be clear.  I do not challenge Powell's assertion that Liu made a really bad decision recently.  ( and perhaps more than just the one she mentioned )

However, if you accept what Powell is saying as accurate, then why did Trump nominate her, and why does he keep her on the job?  That's the fact on the ground that stops me cold.

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