Monday, June 3, 2019

Social media blues

Social media is driving us all crazy, says the Instapundit.

Well, it does appear to encourage mob behavior.  That's not good.

Seguing into something somewhat related, the current political situation may be contrived in order to rule over us.  How?

Consider this:  The phony Russian collusion attack is being allowed because it maintains the sharp divisions between the red and blue models.  Since the GOP could have quashed this "investigation" long ago, the hoax is being tolerated so that Trump will toe the red line.  As for the left, the accusations are being supported without evidence because it keeps their people in line and engaged.

Trump held promise as the ultimate outsider who could change the political equation, but the Russian collusion hoax is helping the ruling class, aka Establishment, keep him in constant check.  If he doesn't do exactly what they want, they will remove him..  If Trump fails in his promise, the public will tire of him, and won't re-elect him, provided that he survives the coup attempt.  Either way, the ruling class wins.

At least, that is the theory.  As for how that relates to social media, it could be the way that mobbism seems to self-validate itself.  The Framers of the CONUS did not trust mobbism.

The best way to check the mob is with firepower.  Check Col. Sherburn in Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn.  Another weapon is independence of thought, which is a difficult task since the mob destroys independent thinking.  You could ask people to think for themselves, but that could be asking too much.

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