Sunday, May 19, 2019

To listen to Democrats, they love the truth...

Congress critter Amash says that Trump deserves to be impeached.

So, a twitter storm has ensued.  Reading through them, I am amazed to see that so many Democrats purportedly love themselves up a whole bunch of truthy truth.

Typical Dem mentality:  "Yep, we sho' does luv that twuth.  We's gonna git that orange man good!"

If they really believed in the truth, I would be encouraged.  But they don't.  They live in their bubble, and they call that "truth".  

I'd be willing that none of these people have bothered to read much of the criticism of the case against Trump.  But they "sho' does luv dat twuth!"

BTW.  People may think that this is racial.  Nope.  The Dems are in all colors, and they are equally just as stupid.

Here's a thought:  I wonder how many of these tweets were paid for astroturfing ops from the George Soros camp?  Let's call them rent-a-commies.

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