Monday, May 20, 2019

Bongino show 5.20.19

The big story here is that Surkov ( Steele Dossier's Russian source ) is connected to the Clintons.

Hey, a good defense is a good offense.  Accuse Trump of treason while you do it yourself.

Surkov was involved in plot to steal American defense secrets.  The Clintons cashed in big time.

Well, it is Bongino.  You may not believe him.  You can swallow the Media's blue pill, and believe whatever you want.  You can even believe that girls are boys, and vice versa.

However, I think Bongino is a good source.

Furthermore, I never believed the Russian collusion hoax.  I'm pretty sure I said so at the time, and why I didn't believe the Russian collusion nonsense.  My suspicions have been confirmed.  The Obama Administration was spying on Trump.  Why should this be a mystery?  Everybody knew Obama was doing this.  Obama even spied on allies.  Remember that one?  So, if Obama was spying on everyone already, and they had no evidence of Trump's guilt, then it didn't happen.

So, none of this should be a surprise to anyone.

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