Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Bill of Attainder



A Bill of Attainder is defined as a legislative act intended to punish a person without the benefit of a trial.  The Democrats are trying to push the notion that crime isn't necessary in order to impeach.  Without a crime, then it is a Bill of Attainder.


It seems that you can preserve the rule of law by actually observing it.  What a concept.


There is a discussion about the Democrat's efforts at getting at Trump's tax records.  Someone in the comments section pointed out that this is a Bill of Attainder, which would mean that it is unconstitutional.

Actually, I think this is persuasive enough argument that it should be enough to stop them from doing this.

The Democrats are attempting many things besides this, that should be clear that they are not supporting the rule of law, as they so often like to claim.  Their allies in the GOP "establishment" are supportive of them in areas like this because it is clear that in matters relating to Trump are political, and they oppose Trump as the Democrats do.

The question is if there are enough actual conservatives in the Party, which also includes the Supreme Court, that the constitution itself can be preserved because these people are attempting to overthrow it in a number of ways.

  • They are attempting to go around the Electoral College in order to elect a president because they cannot live within the current law.  This includes any such effort to create compacts between the states that mean to subvert the law.  
  • For example, there are compacts with respect to the issue of AGW, which is an attempt to subvert Federal policy with regard to the defunct Paris accord.
  • There are calls to "pack the courts" when one in their faction wins the White House.
  • There are calls to change the number of Senators from two that we have at present to a proportional one such as the one in the House.

There is a  legal process to change the constitution if it is desired.  But the Democrats know that they cannot get the votes to do this, so they do these end runs around the constitutional government in order to get their way.  If they get away with this, then why would the Constitution matter anymore at all?  These efforts are extralegal and political and have no place if we are to be governed by the rule of law.

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