Friday, December 6, 2019

A few thoughts on the political situation

As I write this, it appears to be a "go" on the vote on impeachment articles.  Given that, here are a few thoughts on the current state of this impeachment drive.

  • A lefty blogger said that they should go ahead even if the impeachment fails in the Senate.  It could have some political advantages, they seem to believe.
  • Extortion seemed to be the crime cited.  If you listen to the lefties, they'll say that Trump extorted a political favor in exchange for military aid.
  • The Democrats don't seem to want to argue the GOP's side of the issue.  When asked, Pelosi refused to discuss any of the GOP's objections.
  • They'll probably argue that the GOP won't let them make their case if McConnell limits them in any way.  This suggests that an adverse political trial in response to their accusations could be played for advantage.

How should the GOP handle this?  I'd make the case that this is a Bill of Attainder.  Without a fair process, and without clear evidence of a crime, the Democrats are attempting to punish an individual without the benefit of due process.  The case should be summarily dismissed as a Bill of Attainder.  If it is not, then they should absolutely make sure that they don't repeat what happened in the House.

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