Sunday, December 1, 2019

Obligatory, 12.1.19

Somewhere along the line, the US must have crossed a threshold.  This threshold is a good kind of threshold.  It's like what Rush Limbaugh used to say about the Reagan years.  During that time, the liberals did goofy things.  The goofier they became, the more their defeat was assured.

Here are a few things I can think of in the news:

  1. Republicans are being accused of using the impeachment as an "offensive" weapon against Democrats, and consequently, are "bullying" Democrats.  Imagine a bad guy pulling a gun and telling his intended victim to stop bullying him.  This is so goofy that it is beyond comprehension.  If they can be this goofy, how can they be taken seriously?
  2. Some UN official is out there demanding a stop to the "war on nature".  See number 1.
  3. Rob Reiner said Christian evangelicals have made a pact with Putin.  This one doesn't require a signature like the one with the devil, says the Meathead.  How convenient it is not to need proof for an accusation.
  4. Cuba is the most sustainably developed country in the world.  Somebody out there has a sense of humor.
Yes, the goofiness has crossed the threshold.  Things must be going pretty well.  Will Trump have a Reaganesque landslide?  Maybe not, but 40 states might be possible.

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