Thursday, July 26, 2018

Freedom Caucus backs down on impeachment of Rosenstein

There was a discussion of this on Limbaugh today.

Let's face reality here boys, impeachment was not going to work.  A good many on the GOP side like what Rosenstein is doing.  The rule of law is out the window.  Of course, they'll claim they are for the rule of law, but if they were, Rosenstein would be forced to resign.  Not to mention, Bob Mueller's gig would be over and done with.  The entire Russian fake scandal is built around the illusion that this phony investigation is in support of the rule of law and of democracy.  It is not that, but for the "crime" of the wrong person winning an election!

There has to be an appearance of unity though, and so the Freedom Caucus had to back down.  We can't have the public seeing this kind of dissension within the GOP ranks. 

Perhaps that is the real reason the Freedom Caucus brought it up.  People might notice this, and start asking some questions.

You have to know that the media is never going to report the truth about what this so-called investigation is really about.

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