Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Two tribes, one country-- big trouble ahead

At some point, it must become all one or all the other.  This isn't new, but a paraphrasing of what Abraham Lincoln said prior to the beginning of the Civil War.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

The two tribes today are not about slavery, as in Lincoln's time.  Today, it seems to be about what is truth and what isn't.

One of  the tribes denies truth altogether.  For them, a thing can be true if it is desired to be so.  Truth is malleable to individual will.  Therefore, if one is born female, and she doesn't like being female, she can be changed into a he.  This despite the fact that the DNA of  a female cannot be changed to a male.  What you get from the factory is what you get, it doesn't matter how you feel about that outcome.  But the postmodernists believe that one determines one's own truth because that is what one wishes.  Such thinking used to be considered insanity, but today, that no longer applies.  Let's call this tribe the postmodern tribe.

On the other hand, you have the traditional tribe.  Truth is what it is, and cannot be changed even if we do not like it.  It all seems harsh and cruel to a postmodernist, but a traditionalist will resign himself to the the realities of a situation, as opposed to denying it.  Therefore, if you are born female, you are required to conform with what is considered female---you use the female restroom.  A woman cannot be a man in this tribe.  If you have a problem with your gender, you need to change your attitude, buster.

The truth tribes can disagree on a great many other things, too.  If the postmodern tribe believes that the Russians stole the election, even when there is no evidence of this having been the case, then by golly it must be true.  The traditional tribe may offer all the evidence, logic, and reason that  it can muster that this is not so, but that will never make a difference with the post modern tribe.  To them, the truth is what they want it to be.  Damn the facts!  The Russians are evil and mean because they hate gays!

Hence the trouble in this society.  You cannot have peace in the realm when you cannot agree that two plus two equals four.  If one side insists upon four, and the other insists upon five, how can there ever be a possibility of harmony?

Without agreement on principles, there is the inevitability of conflict.

Does the truth matter anymore in this society, or has it gone over the postmodern cliff?

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