Saturday, May 30, 2015

Pat Buchanan plays pattie cake

Isn't Buchanan supposed to be this fire breathing conservative guy?  Not really.  It's all a part of the propaganda war that the left is winning.  Actually, Buchanan is mostly brainwashed himself.  Get this quote:

...who among the tribes of the Middle East will fight and die for the secular American values of democracy, diversity, pluralism, sexual freedom and marriage equality?

Buchanan uses the left wing's words, which as was seen in an earlier post, the left considers as a significant victory when you do.

Re-word that and you will instantly understand why the Iraqis won't fight ISIS:

who among the tribes of the Middle East will fight and die for the communistic unAmerican disvalues of socialism, identity politics, Balkanization, fornication and homosexuality?

That's because each of the words replaced from the quote have been replaced by what they really mean as opposed to how they are sold to the average dumbed down brainwashed American.

 Can anybody actually tell it like it is?


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