Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Humans, the sick animal"

A phrase that stands out in my mind.  Human beings tend toward self-destructive behaviors that are a form of sickness.

Where did I first encounter the phrase?  It must have been in Shirer's book about Hitler.  There was a discussion there of the philosophy of Nietzsche.
the "human soul" is refined as the target of our own aggression. Thus the sickness of the modern human being is self-inflicted. We tear ourselves down in the way a caged animal rubs its skin raw chafing at the cage which confines it.
Now, let's relate this to good thinking v bad thinking.   A measuring stick for determining good thinking is results.  Bad thinking leads to bad results and vice versa.  Or it could be related to truth, but truth is a slippery thing.

When I think of liberalism, I think of bad thinking.  It is bad thinking because it leads to bad results.  It is not truth based, but to the contrary---it denies truth.  Or it manipulates truth to be whatever the manipulator desires it to be.  I've heard it said that "perception is reality".  Thus, if you alter perceptions, you change reality.  But do you?  Or is it just a deceptive way towards mind-control?

Liberalism is a type of mind-control.  One way towards that is to control perceptions, which in turn alters reality.  Or it alters the way reality is perceived.  Liberals want to change the way people perceive reality so as to encourage them to think the way they do, and to therefore change the reality towards something more to their liking.  But what if that isn't the truth?

It seems to me that good thinking should be factual and without bias.  But that is hard to accomplish.  There has to be the search for truth, no matter how difficult it is to find it.

Yet, the effort is not even present with liberals.  They won't bother with this pursuit of accuracy--- instead there exists a  Nietzschean "will to power".  Even though they know what they say is wrong factually and morally, they'll push it anyway because that is what they want.  Power is everything.  It trumps truth and morality.  It is akin to the Post Modern Philosophy that defines Modern Liberalism.

That allows me to segue into the topic of morality.  It is my observation that human beings are moral beings.  But Liberalism uses morality for control, not for its own sake.  There can be no morality in Liberalism that really means anything, unless it is useful in control the subject of their manipulations.

Morality has to be based upon truth.  Any philosophy that willfully contradicts this is by definition evil.

The "Evil Empire" did not die with the Soviet Union. It is still amongst us, and is known as Liberalism.  It has infiltrated our society and is bringing it down.  Not by military force, but by the force of the mind.


A thought just occurred to me.  Liberals love to talk about equality, even though they exempt themselves from it.  Take the Declaration of Independence, for example.  They'll quote from it: "all men are created equal".  But that is only part of the sentence.  The entire sentence reads as follows:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Not exactly the same way that liberals mean it.  Liberals will take your property to make everyone more equal.  They will take your liberty and your very life, if they have to, in order to force you into compliance with their notion of "equality".  Thus, the pursuit of happiness is presumed to be the product of liberalism, but that isn't so either.   Judged by the results, Liberalism ought to be called the "mad pursuit of misery".

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