Friday, June 28, 2024

Who won the Golf Debate?

8:18 PM

I'm sorry, but people are taking this stuff seriously, and I cannot. The "debate" as it was purported to be, was really fake. It was intended for other reasons than for the ones stated. Such is the situation that we now face. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, is what it is presented as being.

I've written about lying before. There was this one about the TED talk, in which the speaker said that lying is a cooperative act. Taking the "debate" seriously is participating in the lie. I refuse.

The debate was held before the nominating conventions. This gives them the excuse to dump Biden. Anybody can see the abnormality of the situation--- I mean really. A debate in JUNE? They've been lying through their teeth about his condition. Now they are supposed to be surprised. Nope, I'm not buying a bit of this.

What's next? Who knows? Maybe they need Biden to cooperate. And if he doesn't? He may meet an unfortunate end, and we'll be told that it was completely unexpected. I call it out in advance. It's bullshit.

It's all for democracy. Bullshit.

2:45 PM

Note:  Not all my posts are proof-read with Grammarly.  This one wasn't.

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