Thursday, June 27, 2024

Opposition to the jab was "ideological bullshit"

Note:  re-written with the use of Grammarly:

Consider the tweet below, comment

Talking about ideological issues, some people seem deeply entrenched in their beliefs. Even when faced with evidence, they refuse to accept it. It appears that they are committed to their own ideology, which they continue to believe despite evidence to the contrary. I recall Kamala Harris saying that she wouldn't have gotten the vaccine if Trump was President, which seems to be a case of ideological bias. Additionally, there have been instances of people falsely claiming to have received the vaccine.

I chose not to get the vaccine, and even if Trump had been President and had mandated it, I still would have refused. I was steadfast in my decision since I felt that the vaccine was being unjustly forced upon us. It turns out that the vaccine may not have been as safe or effective as claimed, as it was rushed into production without proper testing. Fear tactics were used to coerce people into getting vaccinated, and the vaccine was mandated against their will.

To compound the issue, large corporations were empowered to assist the government in enforcing the vaccine mandates. It seems that some individuals still believe the false narratives, as evidenced by the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing big corporations to censor speech on behalf of the government.

What has happened to this country?

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