Thursday, December 21, 2023

Why Buildings Need Foundations

Practical Engineering channel

I think I've got some of this figured out. How to pour a slab without mixing the concrete, which is a video embed posted earlier. I want to have an open space that also will collect rainwater. That may be accomplished also, but needs a lot of concrete. It can be done, one section at a time.

The open space could be bounded on three sides with my cattle panel quonset prototype. It will be anchored to the dry slab. What goes inside the quonset? Some will be enclosed, which will provide additional floor space. Others will be open to the air, but with screens over them. These may be used as a type of greenhouse. It will shield it from the birds and the bugs, but rain will be able to get through.

The center area will be a rainwater collection area. Rainwater run off will be directed to it, and it can be pumped out into a tank for storage. The area covered should be sufficient to keep the crops well watered. ( I hope)

This plan isn't likely new. I've thought up quadrangles before. This new plan has a few new wrinkles. As with all my plans, it may not be implemented. But who knows what the future will bring?

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