Monday, December 18, 2023

Web Encryption is now fiction, but there's a workaround?

12/18/23: Update to yesterday's post:

A companion post that suggests the workaround. (But the governments of the world will probably oppose it.)

Braxman: My Solution to Fix the Screwed Up Internet Encryption

end update:

the original post follows below:

Video by Rob Braxman. I'm keeping up with this guy, and I'm glad I bookmarked his site. The news is that the Web isn't what it appears to be. Basically, we are being watched. Hell, I knew that. But I didn't know the details. Here's some details. Indeed, there's more details here than you'll likely be able to assimilate.

But sitting still is not an option. You've got to upgrade your security, and the "system" isn't doing that right now. Indeed, the system is getting worse all the time.

Tell you what, I'm tempted to junk my computers altogether. But to do so would be VERY INCONVENIENT. I'm going to call this the CONVENIENCE TRAP. They get you by offering you convenience. But in accepting this convenience, you are being suckered into a TRAP. An example would be the J6th protesters. They thought they could trust their environment, but they found out differently. DC is a hostile place for anybody not playing their games. Generalize this out to the society at large, in particular the world wide web, and you can see that the problem isn't localized in DC, but is EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Chilling, isn't it?

The bearer of bad news isn't welcome, but wouldn't you prefer to know that something evil this way comes before it gets to you?

So here's the video... You might want a drink of an adult beverage.

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