Sunday, August 27, 2023

It's a football game


After a really heavy duty type of posting day, it was time for some diversion. There was a preseason game between the Texans and the Saints, and it was a way to forget about everything for awhile. Leave it up to me to get serious again. That's because I noticed something I haven't noticed before.

I wanted to follow the action, and I was trying something new on the YouTube. Some dude was watching the game on TV and he was talking about it on a live stream. He's a real Texans fan, and it was very entertaining to watch him. There were some calls that went against the Texans, and then it hit me. HE'S A FAN. It's all a game. If it is a game, you'll do anything and / or say anything to win. You cannot be objective and honest about it and be a fan.

So there was this call that he said was a fumble by the Saints. But it really wasn't a fumble. The Texans player interfered with the opportunity to make a catch of the punt. But he's swearing up and down that the Texans were robbed on a bad call by the refs. Nope, the call was correct. Saints' ball, not the Texans' ball.

Do you get the point? In our political discussions, there is no chance for honesty. Nobody can admit error, because it is a GAME. If it is a GAME, you cannot be honest about things. Those who are honest cannot win because the other side will always take advantage.

It's a helluva way to run a society. Everything gets reduced to some partisan struggle. The truth be damned. Winning is everything. Makes no difference what get destroyed in the process.

It's all a game. Both sides are fans on opposite sides. Go Team! And that is how we decide things.

I've got a really bad feeling about it. It cannot be the way. In fact, it is the opposite of the way. It may explain a lot about why things seem so out of whack.

By the way, it's embarrassing to write this. It's a game, but it may be a deadly game. If you cannot give up the game, somebody could get killed. You have to know when to stop, but if you can't--then what?

That's the last post of a very long day of this. I'm tired. I'm drained. For all I know, I'm making things worse.

It reminds me of something in the movies. The Michael Jackson song.

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